ARKWings Gym Policies
1. Annual Membership Fee: The gym year runs June – May. Each member upon enrollment will be charged the membership fee. It is an annual reoccurring fee every June if continued membership.
Gym tuition is a monthly fee. Each month cards will be charged on the 1st of the month unless given a notice for cancellation of the class.
(Gymnastics Team tuition charged on 25th of the month.)
2. Late Payments: I fully understand that monthly tuition charges billed to my athlete’s account are due by the 1st of the month and that a $15 late fee will be assessed if not received by the 10th of the month.
3. Cancellation Policy for Classes:
I understand that I must email Skylar Page at skylarpage@arkgym.com to drop an athlete from class. I understand that an EMAIL is the only way to drop a class. A confirmation email will be sent back to me stating that your athlete has been dropped from his/her class.
I understand that I will need to keep the email for my records as a receipt.
I understand that my email to drop from a class must be sent by the 1st of the month to be dropped from the class at the end of that month.
I also understand that if the email is sent on the 2nd and after that it will constitute in a drop at the end of the next month and my card will be charged for the next month also.
I understand that my athlete will remain in his or her class until an email is sent to drop from the class.
An example for dropping a class:
*To drop my class at the end of January, my email must be sent to skylarpage@arkgym.com by January 1st. My card will be charged for
*If my email is sent to skylarpage@arkgym.com on January 2nd- February
1st, then my athlete will be dropped from his or her class at the end of
February and my card will be charged for January and February.
4. Make Up Policy: You are allowed 2 make up classes a month. Make ups are done on the 1st Friday of the month unless notified by the front office. You must enroll in a make up class by Thursday before the make up date via parent portal under enroll.
5. Individual Policy:
I understand that I must enroll in the Individual Lesson Class to book individual lessons.
I understand that I will be charged a $35 registration fee when I register for the individual lessons within the gym year (June-May).
I understand that individual lessons can ONLY be booked via your parent portal (not through the coach). In your parent portal, click on Events Registration and then Event Calendar. A calendar will appear with all the individuals that our instructors have available.
I understand that individual lessons will be posted on the calendar for the next month on the 20th of every month. No extra individuals will be added to the calendar after the 20th of the month. (I.e. On May 20th, instructors’ individual lessons will be available for the month of June)
I understand that I need to read the levels/skills that a coach is approved to teach BEFORE booking a lesson with them. **Coaches WILL NOT be able to work out of their approved level/skills**
All individual lessons MUST be paid the day of your scheduled lesson.
Checks made payable to ARK WinGS Gym with the coach’s name on the bottom. Cash payments may only be received Monday-Thursday 2-8pm at
the front desk with Skylar Page, ARK WinGS Gym Business Director, prior to the lesson. No cash payments can be made Friday-Sunday when the office is closed or on holidays. ** If payment by cash or check is not submitted prior to the lesson, then the card on file will automatically be
charged the day of the scheduled lesson.
Client Cancellation Policy for Individuals:
Lessons booked Monday–Friday that need to be cancelled MUST be emailed 24 hours in advance or your card will be automatically charged. Lessons booked on Saturday or Sunday must be cancelled by Thursday at 8pm via email to skylarpage@arkgym.com
Coach Cancellation Policy for Individuals:
If the coach you booked with cancels the individual lesson less than 24 hours before the scheduled time, you will not be charged for the lesson and your next lesson with the coach is free. EXCEPTION: If another coach is available and you choose to do the scheduled lesson with the other coach.